

i don't  know it's good or not,but i decided to try it that i will get good position for my major in here while couple of year.

i learn landscape design for about 7years something.i wanted to study architecture at first.
but my father give me some advice that landscape is more wide horizon to do for architecture.
then i tried to do that when i was uni student.

i didn't know how can i do that and what to do at all.so i missed way sometime.
i traveled around from choice when i was uni student. i had a lot of time and enough money,then.it was not really luxurious travel.i float cheap accommodation to cheap accommodation.then i did my travel as longer as possible.
i could meet a lot of nice people while i did do that ,trough it. also i came across nice landscape a lot. all of them are precious treasure then still in my heart.
and it's highly motivate for me everytime.

simply design is tool of convey about it for da people.
way of it are dipends on people then many different. but it was narrow that i did do something.
becouse i'm inexperienced young man,then.
i thougut i can do design easily.        it's very simple. it's just like me.
i have anxiety about i can do that or not. but i don't know about it to don't do that anything then i will try it.

i missing everything.
it's like friends,travel, aus,and some stuff like that.
it mean, do not forget aus truthfully...




i was in stanthorpe.

there is farm place then it's farm of fruits n vegetables as far as we can see when i get top of da mountain.like saied,in da mountain there.

i've  staied there 4 about 2mounth tortaly.it was hard 2 picking fuckin' cupsicams at red rosseira for 5th of a week. usually we had to wake up at 4.30 in da morning. then everybody together leave 2 da farm by shuttle bus at 5 am.
everybody talk so much in da bus eaven morning,nobody cross about hard it.
it was too much different between sight of lush hour in here n there's it.

we were work by contract. it mean,pay 4 how much we could pick it up by ourself a day.it was dipends on people then someone got good money but someone didn't do that too much, specialy some girls,u know. we bring a backet each other when we started pick it up.it was fuckin' heavy 4 girls. but i don't wanna wait next empty backet then i bring 2 backets normally by myself.
i don't know it's good or not.but it was good 4 pick faster at least.
like saied it's dipends on speed of picking,but almost people were possible 2 get over 100 backets eaven girls.
my record was 277backets a day.so one backet was about a doller then i've got over $250 something like that.it's fuckin' good money,don't you think?
so,so many tourist try 2 picking job eaven they know that we have 2 work fuckin' hard.
'couse it's easy 2 get good money 4 travel.

it was easy job like everyone can do that,then fuckin' boring n hard 2 my back.ofcouse i don't like it.but i like that life.i mean,i like life of after work when we go back 2 home.
there is a lot of europian tourist.nothing 2 do everything there then we talk too much every day.it was good matter of my fuckin' english.
we always together do something so i have 2 use english at least eaven if u can't do that at all. in addition we r working mate. it 's like my family mother fucker,you know.

i made lots of fuckin' good friends while i'm in there.
I will never forget nice memorys with them.

I talkin' about my bro.2night. check this.  booyahkasya!!

i met lots of nice people while i is stay in fuckin' aus.
it was like do travel 4 meet some people as much as possible at the fuckin' fuge ground there by my self.and it was enjoyment 4 i, you know.

there is multinational nation more than i knew at first. such fuckin' many nationality's people visit there 4 travel, bisiness n look 4 some healing there, something like that.
so i did do that when i staied cheap accommodation, it's like back packers or bed n break first stuff like that.
basically, BP r shere room with 3 - 10 people we call them Dorm. n they r so friendly n don't care about relationship between nationality. n then i started talk with them easily n naturally. 'couse they r tourist as well who staied there. 
not all but almost case r poor 4 money what young people use it familiar with long travel themself as well. i mean, i agree with them who talk about too, much.
we did change some information about it while we r in same room. we together shopping, sight seeing, play 2 something n eating some stuff like that if we can enjoy esch other 2 do it. nothin' rule at all there.it was amazing.

wherever i met 3 of fuckin' nice switz german. they r younger than i but looks older than i,alright?  we 2gether 4 about 1mounth.i hope with them more longer but they were travel 4 only 3mounth in aus then it's impossible 2 do it. but i met them sometime somewhere after say good bye in cairns at first.
they are true to type naughty boy. then i  alway enjoied  while i spent with mother fuckers.
they call me brother due 2 respect each other,then.
we bought fuckin' cheap dounuts at da supermarket everyday.after that went 2 lagoon 4 swim n look 4 bitches. they love girls,except me :) but they are shy a bit beyond all expectation.
so they were ask me a favor. i is elder, then. ...no. otherwize i is fuckin' asian,anyway.
anyway, i still keep in touch with them on da internet. i think i ll visit them in switzland oneday.
also i hope they visit me in japan.
we liveing other country each other. but we r brother otherwize it's not real.we have 2 meet again.i really looking foward 2 do it.keep it real.



01 2025/02 03
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[06/14 massa]
[06/10 lovely yumi]
MASSA a.k.a OI
life style proporser
1981. 生まれる
2002. 沢山の出会いに刺激を受ける
2003. EU ぶらり
2005. 大阪芸術大学卒業
2005. 某企業顧問兼インテリアデザイナー畑克明氏に師事 (怖い存在でした)
2006. 渡豪

ぶっ飛ばし生活日記 part.1

・eight berth osaka
・frazer island australia
・melbourne australia
・london england
・amsteldam netherland
・nice france
・canterbery england
・barth england
・gakuenmae office
・高松 愛媛 高知
・浮雲桟橋 愛知
・byronbay australia
・corona bp cairns
・美ゅら海水族館 沖縄
・springhill brisbane






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